My Artstore full of Commission Slots, Comic books and Sketch Cards for you to get hold of.

Saturday, 30 June 2012

Dark Zodiac Scorpio

I worked on Jack Redd's Dark Zodiac card serise a little while back and  with packs going on sale on ebay i can finally share some of the cards i drew.
For Scorpio (my starsign) i created some Scorpio Girls, i would love to return to these girls sometime, maybe as a sketchbook or something

Friday, 29 June 2012

More White Wasp...

so you wanted more White Wasp, here he is putting the moves on HoneyBee, watch out Wasp, shes fiesty!!!!

OH NO, WhiteWasp and Britannia have been captured by that deadly terrorist The White Widow!!!! how are they gonna survive!!!!

Sunday, 24 June 2012

White Wasp Returns

The White Wasp really kicks arse and he seems populer. I designed him for fun and he captured peoples imaginations.
I wanted to make a white and yellow, fully kickarse and bullet proof superhero, and now he's in my head i have so many other ideas for everyone he knows and encounters, not to mention his enemies like the KillerClownPosse

If people like him enough i may considering doing a black and white comic for him :)


Tuesday, 19 June 2012

News Blog about Boo&Marty and IACS

Check that out, a fantastic article on NSU about Boo&Martys cards, Nevermore Alice and the fantastic IACS which everyone can have a go drawing on or getting commissions on off your fav artists
Whats more this year we plan to launch different IACS that are more generalised so youll have lots of choices, but i reccommend grabbing some NevermoreAlice IACS and feel the quality for yourself

Sunday, 17 June 2012

Boo Interview on Podcast with UKCardCast

I'm really excited to let you know that i did an interview recently with UKCardCast all about IACS Infinite Artist Cards and Nevermore Alice.
This was the first time i've ever done a podcast and it was alot of fun, everyone involved is awesome. My interview is 21:17 into the show, you can nip over to the UK Cardcast website and listen/download it now

Let me know what you think
and to find out more about IACS head over to

Rock On

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Merveille Returns

I took another swing at my French Superheroine Merveille and fingers crossed she may get a little comic :)

Possessing all the cool powers you would expect, Merveille is going to combat some of the strangest villians i've ever come up with and have a ttoally different twist as it will be drawn by my good french buddy Elfie who has her own artstore

I'll be handling writing on the comic and popping in for some art as well so the pair of us will create a truly unique flare to a heroine who has a fondness for pastrys lol

Friday, 8 June 2012

Cards YOU can draw on

You guys are gonna love this, pro high quality sketchcards you can buy, draw on and keep or sell. Marty & Boos Cards has created this innovative product for all artists and collectors in mind and it's produced to the exact same high quality i give to my official set artists, head over to to read more

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

My Biggest Porfolio Yet

If you look to the right (if this is in your email, head to my artblog lol) then youll spot a NEW BUTTON, fab isnt it, that will take you straight to my new massive portfolio on facebook, it's my Artist Page and i'm uploading sooo much artwork there it's going to explode. I'm putting on comic pages, pinups, sketchs, theres even a folder there full of my own character designs and artwork. You can find alot of artwork on here but i wanted to make a place for you to find bucketloads of my artwork.

I dont like to make a post without sharing some artwork, so enjoy this funny little adventure of BooMan and Merville

Monday, 4 June 2012

I'm Selling a WHOLE HOUSE...

Buy this House/Bungalow i'm selling and guess what, i'll give you a free A4 Commission :)
It's in the UK and big, got a massive garden, the biggest garden in the road with room for expanding the building and i only want £120,000 pounds for it, it's a bargain. Email me if you want to know more or want more photos.
Or if you want to buy it to rent out, i would happily keep an eye on the tennants for you, likewise if you want it as a Holiday home in the UK by the coast, within walking distance of the town/shops.

I wouldnt leave you without some awesome artwork as well
a sketch i did last year of Lightening from FinalFantasy 13
all the best

Saturday, 2 June 2012

BooMan Arrives

FINALLY a superhero you can trust to save the day lol
Never Fear, BooMan is Here :P