My Artstore full of Commission Slots, Comic books and Sketch Cards for you to get hold of.

Monday, 11 March 2013


Here comes Flag Force lol Booman has got an alternate English look (because i'm english) and then Majesty who is scottish got herself a scottish alternate costume and i can introduce Welsh Dragon for the first time as the trio get set to kick all kinds of arse.

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

BooMan Returns Naughty

BooMan is back, and he's tackling the ladies of Comics lol first up, Wonder Woman!!! in her funky New 52 costume.
Then BooMan strikes again, with Rogue from the XMen!!!
But who will be next? send in your suggestions here or via email to

The flesh and blood Boo has been thowing up for two weeks with a nasty cold bug... flem and everything, but as i start to get better and Nevermore Alice Drink Me Eat Me was a sellout (sold out in just under an hour) I can finally start catching up with your awesome commissions :)

Remember, no Comic Book Girl is safe from BooMan lol